Key Benefits
Blend ERP’s Batch Manufacturing tool builds on the standard Work Order process, allowing users to:
- Mix-and-match demand from customer orders and preferred inventory levels
- Add or remove orders at any time
- Create additional product for stock to maximize production volume
- Make component substitutions “on the fly”
- Built-in validation ensures your equipment isn’t overloaded
- Full lot traceability from raw ingredient to finished good
- Easily track white-labeled products
- Batch white-labeled products with other generic or branded products

Formula Designer
Cost-effective formulations mean higher profits – unlock yours with Formula Designer. A user-friendly addition to the Blend ERP family of SuiteApps, Formula Designer allows you to set parameters, run simulations, and optimize components.
- Optimize based on what matters most to you
- Restrict the list of raw materials that can be considered
- Include custom data or calculations tot suite specific needs
- All sourced data is sourced live
Formula / Recipe Management
When managing formulas or recipes, it can be a challenge to deliver a quality product on a consistent basis. As your orders grow, miscalculating larger or smaller recipes can lead to unpredictable results. Plus, it’s not just the raw materials that go into creating the product but component yield, labour, overhead and packaging all have to be factored into your cost.
Batch Manufacturing
Blend ERP batch manufacturing software delivers game-changing improvements like real-time error alerts, adding multiple quality controls and finding major efficiencies.
Quality Control
Quality control software doesn’t need to be cumbersome to be great; in fact, the more intuitive the better. And that’s precisely what we’ve built. From quick setup and easy configuration to one-click CoAs and impressive security, our Quality Control SuiteApp is unmatched. If you need a quality control system that does all of the basics really, really well, then it’s your lucky day—welcome to Quality Control by Blend ERP.
SDS Management
Distributing and keeping track of Safety Data Sheets is an important but time-consuming task. Blend ERP does the heavy lifting so you can focus on your business without missing a beat.
BarTender Label Printing
For years, organizations using NetSuite and BarTender have wanted an easy integration to connect their two systems—and now it’s here. Our BarTender Label Printing SuiteApp enables you to print your labels from inside NetSuite. You can even use your existing templates. It’s easy to setup and dead simple to use.
Hazmat Documentation
Shipping hazardous materials requires a strong understanding of detailed and complex regulations. Blend ERP makes transporting hazardous goods as easy as moving regular goods.