Dragging your feet on upgrading to GP 2013? Here’s a list of some of the new features that our clients are embracing to be more efficient, more flexible and more informed.
Our list is topped with the Web Client, which enables our clients with easier access to their GP applications. Using a simple login, clients can see their GP applications anywhere, at any time, from any device. No more clunky log-ins through VPN or Remote Desktop; just the simple ease of a password and a good internet connection.
Of course we realized managers and field sales people would appreciate the Web Client, but we have been surprised at how this has been embraced by people who are more typically desk-bound. Working remotely while caring for sick children, running reports from a home office after hours, and for us, being able to easily “see” what the client sees when they have questions, without having to come on site.
These are just some of the ways we’ve seen our clients maximize the usefulness of this tool.
Another great feature of GP 2013 is the enhanced Reconciliation and Workflow features. This feature guides team members through the requisition process for both inventory and non-inventory items. It automates the process ensuring manager approval, taxes, freight charges, shipping addresses, and all other relevant data is completed before the order is processed. Both sales and fulfillment have seen improved accuracy and efficiency using this process.
Because GP looks and acts like the products you already know, it enables employees to learn faster and work smarter through both improved convenience of access and interoperability with other Microsoft products like Excel, Office 365 and SharePoint.
Time and time again we see how using tools you already know makes each day more productive.
The Business Analyzer dashboard is another favorite. Accessible over the internet, employees can track everything from KPIs to the details of a single sale, all with the ease of remote access.
With the Document Attach capabilities, important documents, pictures or notes can be added directly to a line item; easily giving context to a multitude of transactions.
GP 2013 and the R2 update have hundreds of improvements and new features; have you asked yourself how you can improve your team’s processes? Talk with an expert today about upgrading your system to GP 2013.