The 2016 US Payroll Year End – – The following is a list of issues fixed in US Year end by version.
(At the bottom, you will see a full list of bug fixes for GP 2016 R2, also includes year-end)
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016
- Canadian Payroll
- You may receive an error message that your Canadian Payroll registration keys are invalid.
- Human Resource & Payroll (ACA)
- The PRINT button is missing from the Print Payroll checks window in Web Client when Direct Deposit is active.When you mark a benefit in Human Resource as waived, it should be inactive on the payroll side. If you are going to track ACA in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the year-end update needs to be installed.
- Advanced Human Resource
- Employee Benefit Beneficiaries Plan Status may not save correctly.
- Employee Self Service
- After you apply the 2016 mid-year update, all available departments and positions will not display in the timecard detail drop down list to choose from.When you enter a timecard and click into another area, web client begins to hang.When you go to enter a new timecard, the timecard details opens over the top blank when start stop time is enabled. Human Resource leave balance drops decimal places on submitted timecards.The current timecard Navigation List will show completed timecards in the current timecard list after you applied the 2016 mid-year update.
- Employee to Direct Manager Workflow going to skip level or workflow manager instead of direct manager.
- When you link an employee with a user ID, the field needs to validate the user with case sensitive.
- Financials
- Payables 1096 INT report is not including box 10, 11, 13.
- Payables 1096 and 1099-INT form changes
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015
- Financials
- Payables 1096 INT report is not including box 10, 11, 13.
- Payables 1096 and 1099-INT form changes
- Employee Self Service
- After you apply the 2016 mid-year update, all available departments and positions will not display in the timecard detail drop down list to choose from.
The current timecard Navigation List will show completed timecards in the current timecard list after you applied the 2016 mid-year update.
- After you apply the 2016 mid-year update, all available departments and positions will not display in the timecard detail drop down list to choose from.
- Advanced Human Resource
- Employee Benefit Beneficiaries Plan Status may not save correctly.
- Project Accounting
- You may receive an error ‘Distribution contain errors’ when you enter a PTE Employee Expense that is taxable.
- Cashbook/Bank Management
- The Application.cashbook.dll is an old version and does not allow you to upgrade any customizations that use it.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
- Financials
- Payables 1096 and 1099-INT form changes
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2 – – The following is a list of issues fixed in GP 2016 R2
(Also included in the 2016-year end update)
- Financials
- The Bank Reconciliation deposit amount may be incorrect when the “Mark All” button is used in the Bank Deposit Entry window.
- Payables 1096 INT report is not including box 10, 11, 13.
- The Payables Transaction History detail report may not show credit memos or returns in the multi-currency version.
- You may see duplicate lines on the Payables Reconcile to GL Excel report when a Shipment\Invoice is posted with a one journal entry per batch setting.
- The SSRS 1096 Report may not pull correct data
- Your Safe Pay file may show double or triple void records when checks are reprinted in Payables Transaction Entry.
- When you apply a document to an invoice, finance charge, or misc charge after both have been posted, you cannot view the document attached associated with the original invoice, finance charge, or misc charge once it has been moved to history.
- When an account is added to an existing budget, the resulting account will not be included in an Excel export of the same budget.
- You may receive an error ‘Cannot insert the value NULL into column VENDNAME’ from the Payables Navigation Lists.
- Distribution
- You may not be able to edit a Purchase Order prepayment amount once it is in history.
- Your distributions may be incorrect for a final check associated with a Purchase Order when a prepayment is attached.
- When you do an item transfer from 1 site/bin to another site/bin the view may not look correctly for the “to bin” with serialized items.
- You may receive an error ‘Cannot insert the value NULL into column DOCTYNAM’ when a purchase Order and Intransit receipt have the same number.
- Freight may be added to a subsequent Purchase Order when you transfer multiple requisitions to Purchase Orders.
- Quantity fulfilled may be incorrect when you create a receipt for a lot tracked item entered on a Sales Order where a non base unit of measure is used.
- You may receive an error message ‘This sales line item does not need to be purchased, because there is enough inventory on hand to fill the order’ when you open the Purchase Order Commitment for a sales document from a back ordered item with no quantities on hand.
- You may receive an error on the Sales All-in-One View cannot insert NULL into column ADDRESS1.
- Analytical Accounting
- You may receive an error Incorrect Syntax near ‘)’ when exporting distribution Query Wizard to Excel.
- The originating debit amount may not be correct when you use the Edit Analysis to change the percent linked with Multi Currency registered.
- The Yes/No Analytical Accounting dimension information is not updating Management Reporter correctly.
- Management Reporter Fact Integration may be slow when posting large Analytical Accounting batches.
- Your Analytical Accounting Realized Gain/Loss may not populate correctly on multi-currency transactions.
- You may receive an error ‘There are no distribution accounts linked to an accounting class’ when doing a Bank Transfer with Analytical Accounting.
- Canadian Payroll
- You may receive this error when you Purge Last Year’s Records in Canadian Payroll error on P_Employee_Direct_Deposit LY.
- Human Resource and Payroll
- When you mark a benefit in Human Resource as waived, it should be inactive on the payroll side.
- The PRINT button is missing from the Print Payroll checks window in Web Client when Direct Deposit is active.
- PTO Manager
- Hours Pending may not be updated correctly if multiple users are processing payroll.
- Project Accounting
- When you have a Currency setup set to something other than 2 decimals this will change the display of the Quantity Decimals in the Project Time & Expense Timesheet Entry.
- Project Time Employee Expense may not calculate tax as expected and produce a Distribution contain error.
- Allow add access on the fly security is not properly working in Project Time & Expense Timesheet Entry.
- You may be able to submit a timesheet when you are not on the Access List for the project.
- You may be able to create a Project Time & Expense Timesheet from a template when the project status is closed.
- A user may be able to right click and delete a line from the PTE Pending Approval navigation list.
- Week Totals field in the Project Time Entry Inquiry Zoom is double what the actual time entered from timesheet.
- You are unable to create a Timesheet for a previous period using the Project Time & Expense template.
- Billing notes are not saving when using the Project Time & Expense template.
- When you maximize the Project Time & Expense entry window it does not re-size properly.
- You may receive an error ‘Distribution contain errors’ when you enter a PTE Employee Expense that is taxable.
- Project Time & Expense Approval Navigation List may not refresh to show current transaction status and totals.
- Employee Self Service
- After you apply the 2016 mid-year update, all available departments and positions will not display in the timecard detail drop down list to choose from.
- When you enter a timecard and click into another area, web client begins to hang.
- When you go to enter a new timecard, the timecard details opens over the top blank when start stop time is enabled.
- Human Resource leave balance drops decimal places on submitted timecards.
- The current timecard Navigation List will show completed timecards in the current timecard list after you applied the 2016 mid-year update.
- Employee to Direct Manager Workflow going to skip level or workflow manager instead of direct manager.
- When you link an employee with a user ID, the field needs to validate the user with case sensitive.
- Fixed Assets
- You cannot add a new Asset ID with a suffix other than ‘1’.
- The Fixed Asset Auto Generate Next ID may skip ID’s on GP 2016 RTM.
- Field Service
- Station ID zoom field is off in the Depot Management Labor Information window.
- You may receive an error ‘The datediff function resulted in an overflow’ when clicking Totals in the Work Order Inquiry window in Field Service.
- When you transfer a Contract the Meters are not flowing to the new Contract.
- Scheduled Installment
- Receivables Transaction entry window skips every other record when user clicks the next record button.
- Cashbook/Bank Management
- The Application.cashbook.dll is an old version and does not allow you to upgrade any customizations that use it.
- System
- Microsoft Dynamics GP may not respond when you leave a blank filter on a Navigation List and click to another Navigation List.
- Document Attach does not work properly with duplex scan and certain scanners.
- Web Client is unresponsive after you install the 2016 July mid-year update
- When you unmark the Enforce Password Expiration checkbox from user setup, the option still displays marked when you navigate back to the window.
- You unable to attach a document while it is open, error ‘coAttachMSTR’ has created a duplicate key.
- eConnect
- eConnect Incoming Queue was not integrating records.
- Web Client
- Web Client is unresponsive after you install the 2016 July mid-year update.
- Web Client will ignore drop down menu items that have a dash (-) character in the name.
- The Navigation List Ribbon All Sales Transaction restrictions may appear dropped/lost from window.
- The PRINT button is missing from the Print Payroll checks window in Web Client when Direct Deposit is active.
- Workflow
- When you approve through email and your region format is other than English (United States) you may receive an error “Request Error: the server encountered an error processing the request”
- In any Workflow when you use the account number it is using the account Index instead.
- In any Workflow when you have a condition with the account number you were limited to 9 characters.
- Dexterity
- You are unable to set the value of a property defined using DexObject_AddProperty().
- Web Client-Developer
- When you use a ListView control in report mode the columns are not displaying the correct information.
- When you double click in a ListView it is not functioning properly in web client.
- When you use a ListView the multi Select is not working properly.
- Developers may encounter an issue with scrolling windows that have another field dependent on it within the scrolling window in web client.
- Web Client will ignore drop down menu items that have a dash (-) character in the name.
- Fields that allow you to Zoom to show more details are not functioning properly in web client.
Call or email Conexus SG today to schedule your year-end update!
469-828-3274 or