Microsoft GP and Excel

Operating with the Excel you already know and the data you’ve collected with Microsoft Dynamics GP (Grain Plains) ERP will give you an easy to use and versatile way to turn information into insight. Excel Reporting for GP is a link to your dynamic system so that data can be refreshed as your business changes. New data is constantly being entered into your system, and you need visibility into trends and effects on company strategy.


With over 200 out of the box Excel Reports, Microsoft Dynamics GP has you covered.

Here are just a few things to get you started:


Excel reports


Filtering and Slice Features:

Now you can easily export your data – like sales by employee, product line, and location – into Excel, and then slice and dice it there. Figure out your best selling items, by region, by day, by color…all within the Excel you use every day. How deep would you like to investigate?


pivot tables

From Building Dashboards with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and Excel 2013 by Mark Polino


Pivot Table:

Too many columns dragging you down? Pivot tables enable you to slice out rows of data you don’t need, and then pivot the data you keep into easy-to-understand, summarized columns. Sometimes it’s not just the numbers, but HOW you see them, that can help trends come into view.


Charts and Graphs:

Trying to tell the story of your data in a short time span? Charts and Graphs are the answer. A great starting off point for any discussion with C-level management. With the GP / Excel functionality, you can easily create graphs and charts that have drill down capabilities to take you to the depths of your GP data.

This is just the tip of the “Big Data” iceberg. If you need help with deploying this feature, or would like personalized configuration, expert advice on business intelligence and reporting, or tailored training; contact Conexus SG. We always strive to connect you with the information you need to power your business.



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